Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thus you will walk in the ways of the good
and keep to the paths of the righteous.

(Proverbs 2:20)

At church this morning, we were asked to donate the shoes that we were wearing to Soles 4 Souls.  Take off your shoes.....right then......on the spot......donate them......and go home barefoot.  Fortunately, we were given the opportunity to take a rain check and bring in shoes next week if we couldn't give our shoes today.  I had on a pair of white, flimsy sandals and didn't think they would be  great shoes to donate so I'll be going through my shoes and picking out several pairs that would be better, more useful, and versatile shoes to pass along.  We are to bring them back to the church next Sunday.  Many, many, people did donate their shoes this morning.    And seeing the ushers pass out communion in their sock feet brought a smile to my face!  During the service, the rain was pouring outside, so the people without shoes were jumping over (and in) puddles while heading to their cars.  I'm sure they were jumping for joy!

We are so spoiled that very few of us lack for a pair of shoes.  Imagine not having even one pair.  I'm not even sure how many pairs of shoes are in my closets. 

I used "walk" in a literal sense today.  These donated shoes will help those less fortunate physically walk from point A to point B.  The shoes will protect and comfort their feet.  But even better for me, donating shoes will help enrich my walk with God.

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