Tuesday, July 19, 2011

In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas); she was always doing good and helping the poor.
(Acts 9:36)

I was thinking about my Grandmother and all of the precious quilts she made in her lifetime, all but a few given away to friends, family, and complete strangers.  This scripture fits her so well.  Although my Grandmother would certainly have qualified as being poor herself, she was always giving away a quilt, a chicken, a basket of eggs or whatever else she had on hand.  She might not have enough for a hearty meal for her own supper but she would make sure that her neighbor had a hearty meal.  And if she wasn't giving something away, she was opening up her home to take care of sick people that could not afford hospitals or nursing care.  As a child, I remember many people (one at a time, that is) occupying Grandma's quest bedroom and I would bring soup to them, read to them, or just sit and chat with them to give them some company.  It just goes to show you that we all have something to give others, regardless of what we view as a limited income or lack of talent.

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